
The Official Freehand Technique + CD

Artikelnr: HL06620121

The Official Freehand Technique is a unique method book showcasing the art of playing and executing rhythms and patterns with a single hand.


Johnny Rabb

The Official Freehand Technique is a unique method book showcasing the art of playing and executing rhythms and patterns with a single hand. Many drummers have used this or similar techniques throughout the years; however, Johnny's original and innovative method is by far the most comprehensive, practical, and easy to use. This technique is a legitimate system mastered by Johnny through the years of extensive research and teaching, and is designed to enhance your drumming and further develop your independence skills. This technique will not only allow you the freedom to expand your snare drum and drum set proficiency, but also it can be directly applied to all percussion instruments, opening doors to numerous rhythmic possibilities.

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The Official Freehand Technique + CD

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